Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chronicle Review

Written by Max Landis
Directed by Josh Trank

Dane Dehaan... Andrew Detmer
Alex Russell... Matt Garrety
Michael B. Jordan... Steve Montgomery

Three teenagers go into a hole in the ground and find some sort of alien life form. When they come out they find that they have the ability to control objects with their mind. However, if they push themselves too far they get a bloody nose or pass out. Of course one of them, Andrew, comes from a broken home, and doesn't have the maturity to handle the responsibility of his new found power.

It's a great premise. What would you do if all of the sudden you had the power of telekinesis? I would have liked to learn more about how they got their powers and what the military was up to when they cordoned off the area where they found the hole. But unanswered questions make the conversations about the movie afterwards more fun.

This is where the movie really shines. It would have been easy to cast Twilight stars in the roles, but the no name cast makes the movie a bit less predictable. Michael B. Jordan was great as the young politician running for class president. Most high school jocks are portrayed as assholes and obnoxious braggarts. But Steve Montgomery is likable and seems to genuinely care about his new friends Matt and Andrew, even though they're outcasts from their classmates. Alex Russell and Dane Dehaan both are excellent in their roles, but Jordan steals the show in his scenes.

It's not the most original concept ever, but with the performances and the unique way the found footage style is used makes this a great movie. The first half is okay, but when Andrew starts controlling the camera with his mind it really takes off. I'd say this is the first top ten worthy movie of the year.

Rating - **** 1/2 out of 5

May the Force be with you,

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